
「SATOYAMAイニシアティブ」NGO Satoyama Initiative NGO, MongoliaモンゴルNGO
ASEAN・グリーンジャスティス・ネットワーク(AGREEN)ASEAN Green Justice Network (AGREEN)ミャンマーNGO
CEPAジャパンCEPA Japan日本NGOXExploring Sustainable Solutions with Consideration for Ecosystem Services: Restoration and Revitalization of Satoyama/Satoumi Communities after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami(completed) / Development of tool for gauging positive activities for and economic valuation of biodiversity/ecosystem services(completed)
ERuDeF大学 応用生物多様性科学研究所ERuDeF University Institute of Applied Biodiversity Sciencesカメルーン学術研究機関
E海外教育センターE Overseas Education Centre韓国企業
HATOF財団HATOF FoundationガーナNGO
IORAエコロジカル・ソルーションズIORA Ecological Solutionsインド企業India Organic Waste Management Programme / SDM Project: Integrated participation of institutional stakeholder for upliftment of rural livelihood through sustainable harvesting and market linkages of NTFPs and Agri products
MELCAエチオピアMELCA - EthiopiaエチオピアNGO
NPO法人 秀明インターナショナルShumei International日本NGONatural Agriculture in Zambia: Empowering Farmers, Strengthening Communities and Regenerating Ecosystems / Protecting Biodiversity in the Philippines: A Community-based Sustainable Approach to the Use of Natural Resources / Restoring Biodiversity through a Natural Agriculture Landscape Approach
NPO法人田んぼTambo NPO (Rice Paddies Network Japan)日本NGO
Ny TanintsikaNy TanintsikaマダガスカルNGODegraded Landscape Transformed into Foodland and Woodland by Village Agroforestry (SITR6-3)
ONG STEPギニアSeeking To Equip People (STEP) Guinee NGOギニアNGO
PEDAインターナショナルPeople Empowering & Development Alternatives (PEDA) Internationalパキスタン企業
TZRテクノロジーTZR Technologyマレーシア企業
ア・ロシャ・ガーナA Rocha GhanaガーナNGO listXCommunity integrated management of migratory species (West African manatee and sea turtles) and their habitat in the coastal region in Benin / Enhancing the knowledge and adoption of IPSI protocols by district assemblies governing the Kakum Conservation Area
アースウォッチ・ジャパンEarthwatch Institute, Japan日本NGOMonitoring the Biodiversity of Tsunami Affected Areas in Tohoku
アグリビジネスグループ(ニュージーランド持続可能性ダッシュボード)The Agribusiness Group - The New Zealand Sustainability Dashboardニュージーランド企業
アグロバイオダイバーシティ・リサーチ・プラットフォームPlatform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR)イタリアNGOThe use of Agrobiodiversity by indigenous and traditional agricultural communities in: Adapting to climate change
アジア開発銀行Asian Development Bankフィリピン国連その他国際機関How Nature-Based Solutions Can Help Reduce Flood Risks
アメリカ自然史博物館生物多様性・保全センターAmerican Museum of Natural History, Center for Biodiversity and Conservationアメリカ学術研究機関
アンザン大学 農村開発研究センター(RCRD) An Giang University, Research Center for Rural Development (RCRD)ベトナム学術研究機関
イオクラマ熱帯雨林保全・開発国際センターIwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and DevelopmentガイアナNGO
イタリア共和国農業食糧・林業政策省Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, Italyイタリア政府機関(省庁)
イノベーターズ(ウン ノヨン・オンネション)Unnayan Onneshanバングラデシュ学術研究機関 listEnhancing Community Capacity for Livelihood Diversification through Mangrove Forest-based Products
インターナショナル・ランドコンサベーション・ネットワーク(ILCN)International Land Conservation Network (ILCN)アメリカ学術研究機関Enhancing Livability Through Urban Land Conservation: NeighborSpace of Baltimore County, Pocket Parks, and Retrofitting URDL
インド・エネルギー資源研究所(TERI)The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)インドNGOMainstreaming Community-Conserved Areas (CCAs) for biodiversity conservation in SEPLS - A case study from Nagaland, India / Traditional Regenerative Agriculture as a Sustainable Landscape Approach: Lessons from India and Thailand (SITR8-6) Building Climate Resilient Socio Ecological Production Landscapes (SEPLs) in India
ウィーン天然資源大学(BOKU)University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)オーストリア学術研究機関Mountain pasture management in the Sölktäler Nature ParkNew Futures for Satoyama - innovation in policy and practice to sustain cultural landscapes
うらと海の子再生プロジェクトUrato's "Children of the sea" Revitalizing Project日本NGO
エコアグリカルチャー・パートナーズEcoAgriculture PartnersアメリカNGOLandscapes for People, Food, and Nature: Ecoagriculture Conference, Knowledge Exchange, and Action Planning(completed)
エコロジー開発研究センターCentre for Ecology Development and ResearchインドNGOTraditional Regenerative Agriculture as a Sustainable Landscape Approach: Lessons from India and Thailand (SITR8-6)
エチオピア生物多様性研究所Ethiopian Biodiversity Instituteエチオピア政府機関(省庁)
オーストリア科学アカデミー 山岳調査学際研究所Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Researchオーストリア学術研究機関
ガーナ共和国国家生物多様性委員会Ghana National Biodiversity Committeeガーナ政府機関(省庁)Enhancing the knowledge and adoption of IPSI protocols by district assemblies governing the Kakum Conservation Area
カトマンズ森林大学(KAFCOL)Kathmandu Forestry College (KAFCOL)ネパール学術研究機関 list list
カヌリ開発協会(KDA)Kanuri Development Association (KDA)ナイジェリア先住民、コミュニティ団体XThe role of woodlands and coppices in socio-ecological production landscapes ‘Embracing multifunctionality’ / Capitalization of experiences on Assisted Natural trees Regeneration (ANR) in Niger
ガボン共和国環境省Ministry of Environment, Gabonガボン政府機関(省庁)
カマナ農工業開発協会Asociasión Pro Desarroillo Agroindustrial de Camana (APAIC)ペルーNGOSDM Project: Evaluation of the biodiversity chain in barren landscapes ecosystems restored through reforestation with Caesalpinea spinosa, in the southern semiarid coast of Peru / SDM Project: Towards an Strategy for Mitigation of Climate Change Effects in the Coastal Region of Peru, in the Context of the El Nino EventGuidelines for the Management of Tara (Caesalpinea Spinosa) Plantations with a view to the Rehabilitation of Waste Lands in the Sub-Humid Tropics of the Coastal Region of Peru
カメルーン共和国環境・自然保護省Ministry of Environment and Protection of Nature, Cameroonカメルーン政府機関(省庁)
カラガ州立大学 環境管理・エコガバナンス研究センター (CRÈME)Caraga State University, Center for Research in Environmental Management and Eco-governance (CRÈME)フィリピン学術研究機関
ガンビア共和国森林・環境省Ministry of Forestry and environment, Gambiaガンビア政府機関(省庁)
カンボジア王国環境省Ministry of Environment, Cambodiaカンボジア政府機関(省庁)Role and involvement of the commune council in community forestry activities in Domnak Neak Tathmor PuanProgram on Promoting Sustainable Use of Natural Resources through Restoring and Conserving SEPL in Cambodia / Strengthening National Biodiversity and Forest Carbon Stock Conservation through Landscape-based Collaborative Management of Cambodia’s Protected Area System as Demonstrated in the Eastern Plains Landscape (CAMPAS)
キプロス大学University of Cyprusキプロス共和国学術研究機関The Cyprus Buffer Zone as a Socio-Ecological Landscape
キヤノン株式会社Canon Inc.日本企業 list
キューバ共和国熱帯農業基礎研究機関 (INFAT)Institute for Fundamental Researches on Tropical Agriculture (INIFAT)キューバその他政府関係機関
クラレンドン教区開発委員会慈善団体Clarendon Parish Development Committee Benevolent SocietyジャマイカNGO
グリーン・イニシアティブNGOGreen Initiative NGOモンゴルNGO
グリーン・グローブ・ガーナGreenglobe Ghana ガーナNGO"Conserving Biodiversity and Livelihood Enhancement; the case of Saviefe Communities on the Weto Landscape in Ghana"Livelihood Enhancement and Institution Building for Natural Resource Management on the Weto Landscape
グリーン・ムーブメント・オブ・スリランカGreen Movement of Sri Lanka IncスリランカNGOInnovative approaches of the GMSL to harmonize the Human-Environment Interface (HEI) in the Knuckles Conservation Forest (KCF) and its environs
グリーンTVジャパンGreen TV Japan (TREE, Inc.)日本企業
グリーンアクション研究所Institute Acao VerdeブラジルNGO
グリーンセネガルGreen SenegalセネガルNGORestoration and valorisation of the saline soils of Ndoff to scale up rice production in Senegal
グリーン経済開発センター(CGED)Center for Green Economy Development – Nepal (CGED – Nepal)ネパールNGO
グリーン諸島財団Green Islands FoundationセーシェルNGO
グリーン開発推進協会Green Development AdvocatesカメルーンNGO
クリティカル・エコシステム・パートナーシップ基金(CEPF)Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)アメリカその他Conserving a Suite of Cambodia’s Highly Threatened Bird Species
グレインズ・オブ・ホープ・モビライゼーション(GOHMO)Grains of Hope Mobilisation (GOHMO)マラウィNGOMangrove restoration to improve Socioecological production landscapes and seascapes for fisheries recovery at Lake Malombe Site
グローバル・ダイバーシティ財団Global Diversity Foundation英国NGO
グロスターシャー大学・田園コミュニティ研究所(CCRI)University of Gloucestershire, Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI)英国学術研究機関Water with Integrated Local Delivery (WILD) for Transformative Change in Socio-Ecological Management (SITR6-9) New Futures for Satoyama - innovation in policy and practice to sustain cultural landscapes
ケニア森林研究所(KEFRI)Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)ケニア学術研究機関 list
ケニア湿地生物多様性研究チーム(KENWEB)Kenya Wetlands Biodiversity Research team (KENWEB)ケニアその他政府関係機関XPromoting co-management of socio-ecological landscapes in flood dependent agroforestry, pastoral and fishery systems of eastwards flowing rivers of Eastern Africa through scientific research and indigenous knowledge / Integrating scientific and traditional knowledge for co-management of socio-ecological landscapes for the well-being of communities in the flood-dependent lower floodplain agroforestry, pastoral and fishery systems of the eastwards flowing rivers of Eastern AfricaXDevelopment of Integrated Water Resource Strategy and monitoring of wetlands and river catchments of Laikipia County, Kenya(completed) / Mobile technology for community-driven aquatic biodiversity monitoring in Ewaso Ng’iro Catchment, Kenya
コスタリカ保全地域システム庁(SINAC)National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC), Costa Ricaコスタリカ政府機関(省庁)
コミュニティーに根ざした環境保全Community Based Environmental Conservation (COBEC)ケニアNGOSDM Project: Strengthening Community Participation in Biodiversity Conservation through Benefit Sharing and Capacity Building / SDM Project: Marereni Community Blue Carbon Initiative Feasibility Assessment and Stakeholder Outreach
コミュニティー保健イニシアティブ(INCH)Initiative for Community Health (INCH)マラウィNGOMangrove restoration to improve Socioecological production landscapes and seascapes for fisheries recovery at Lake Malombe Site
コミュニティ開発機構(OCD)Organisation for Community Development (OCD) パキスタンNGO
コンサベーション・アライアンス・インターナショナルConservation Alliance InternationalガーナNGOMaking landscapes work: A case of the Kakum Conservation Area in Ghana / Empowering communities for natural resource management: the case of Community Resource Management Areas (CREMA) in Western Ghana. / SDM Project: Enhancing Cocoa Agroforestry in Ghana through an integrated Geographic Information Based (GIS) based monitoring systemEnhancing the knowledge and adoption of IPSI protocols by district assemblies governing the Kakum Conservation Area
コンサベーション・インターナショナル(CI)Conservation InternationalアメリカNGOYAbrolhos seascape, a field demonstration model / Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor, a field demonstration model / Community-Based Rangeland Restoration for Climate Resilience and Pastoral Livelihoods in Chyulu, Kenya (SITR8-2) list
コンサベーション・ソリューションズ・アフリカConservation Solutions AfrikaケニアNGOConservation for tourism in Kenyan rangelands: a new threat to pastoral community livelihoods / SDM Project: Use of Mobile Technology for assessing community and wildlife use of rangeland resourcesMobile technology for community-driven aquatic biodiversity monitoring in Ewaso Ng’iro Catchment, Kenya
ザ・ネイチャー・コンサーバンシーThe Nature ConservancyオーストラリアNGO
サバ州天然資源庁Natural Resources Office, Sabahマレーシアその他政府関係機関
サラエボ大学理学部University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Scienceボスニアヘルツェゴビナ学術研究機関
サン・ホセ農村地域の持続可能な開発協会Association for the Sustainable Development of Rural San Jose (ADESSARU)コスタリカNGO
サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ大学高等技術専門学校(EPS)University of Santiago de Compostela, Higher Polytechnic School (EPS)スペイン学術研究機関The contribution of chestnut orchard recovery projects for effective area-based conservation: Two cases in Asturias (North-West Spain) / Enhancing communication and co-learning in socio-ecological landscape management through elicitation of local communities’ visions and values/ Transformative Change in Peri-Urban SEPLS and Green Infrastructure Strategies: An Analysis from the Local to the Regional Scales in Galicia (NW Spain) (SITR6-8)International Symposium on Mountain Studies: Satoyama Mountainscapes
サンパウロ州環境局Secretariat for Infrastructure and Environment – Sao Paulo State Government (SIMA-SP)ブラジル地方自治体
ジャワハルラール・ネルー大学  環境科学部Jawaharlal Nehru University, School of Environmental Scienceインド学術研究機関Long-Term Tracking of Multiple Benefits of Participatory Forest Restoration in Marginal Cultural Landscapes in Himalaya (SITR6-4)
ジョージア大学地理学部新熱帯山岳学共同実験室University of Georgia, Geography Department, Neotropical Montology Collaboratoryアメリカ学術研究機関Tree Microrefugia and Community-based Conservation in Tropandean Mountainscapes: A Bio-Cultural Approach for Heritage Management of “El Collay” Protected Forest in Southeastern Ecuador / Framing cultural ecosystem services in the Andes: Utawallu as sentinels of values for biocultural heritage conservationInternational Symposium on Mountain Studies: Satoyama Mountainscapes
スウェーデン農業科学大学 スウェーデン生物多様性センターSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Swedish Biodiversity Centreスウェーデン学術研究機関
スガンティ・デバダソン海洋研究所 (SDMRI)Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute (SDMRI)インドNGO
スモール・アクション・フォー・エンタープライズ(SAFE)Small Actions for Enterprise (SAFE) Ghanaガーナ先住民、コミュニティ団体SDM Project: Participatory Restoration of Keta’s Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes
スロベニア芸術科学アカデミー研究センターResearch Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU)スロベニア学術研究機関The Common Mountain Pastures in The Velika planina Plateau
スワミナサン研究財団 (MSSRF)M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), Community Agrobiodiversity CentreインドNGOXOn-Farm Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources: A Case Study from Wayanad District of Kerala, India / Community agrobiodiversity management: an effective tool for sustainable food and agricultural production from SEPLS / SDM Project: Problems and ‘prospects’ of SEPLS’ conversion for alternate benefits –A research case study from the Western Ghats Building Climate Resilient Socio Ecological Production Landscapes (SEPLs) in India
セーブ・アシード・フォー・ザ・フューチャー(SAFE)Save Aseed For The Future (SAFE) ウガンダNGO Direct use values and nutritional potential of selected wild edible plants from Teso-Karamoja Region, Uganda / SDM Project: Revitalizing the role of agroforestry parklands in conserving biodiversity and improving livelihoods in the sub-humid drylands of Uganda / Community-Based Restoration of Agroforestry Parklands in Kapelebyong District, North Eastern Uganda (SITR8-4)
セイコーエプソン株式会社Seiko Epson Corporation日本企業 list
セルビア森林・狩猟労働組合Association of Forest and Hunting Workers of Serbia – Forest and Hunting セルビアNGO
タイ山岳民族教育文化協会 (IMPECT)Inter Mountain People's Education and Culture in Thailand Association (IMPECT)タイ先住民、コミュニティ団体Indigenous Knowledge, Customary Use of natural Resources and Sustainable Biodiversity Management: Case Study of Hmong and KarenPromoting and Enhancing the Karen Indigenous Sustainable Socio-ecological Production System in Northern Thailand(completed)
タイ王国天然資源環境省Ministry of Natural and Resources and Environment, Thailandタイ政府機関(省庁)Local livelihood in the Lower Songkhram Basin, Thailand
タイ環境研究所Thailand Environment InstituteタイNGO
ダルハイDaluhayフィリピンNGOEgongot Tribal Development and an NGO as a Catalyst for Sustainability / SDM Project: Institutionalizing Indigenous Food Systems of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor and the North Philippine Sea Bioregion / Capacitating Philippine Indigenous and Local Institutions and Actualising Local Synergies on Restorative Ridge-to-Reef Biodiversity Conservation for Food Security and Livelihoods (SITR8-12)
チャド共和国環境・水産資源省Ministry of Environment and Water Resources, Chadチャド政府機関(省庁)
デル・ビアンコ財団(ライフ・ビヨンド・ツーリズム)Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco - Life Beyond TourismイタリアNGOHeritage wheat renaissance in Montespertoli, Tuscany
デル株式会社Dell Japan Inc.日本企業Ink-Cartridge Recycling “Satogaeri Project” / Exploring Sustainable Solutions with Consideration for Ecosystem Services: Restoration and Revitalization of Satoyama/Satoumi Communities after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami(completed)
トーゴ共和国環境森林資源省Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources, Togoトーゴ政府機関(省庁)
ドイツランドケア協会(DVL)German Association for Landcare (DVL)ドイツNGOLandscape conservation in the Black Forest, Germany / SDM Project: Fostering cooperative nature conservation to preserve and develop the cultural landscape (SEPL) in the Carpathian Region of Pogány-havas / SDM Project: Preparing the conservation and development of cultural landscapes on a European level
トリブーバン大学アムリットキャンパスTribhuvan University, Amrit Campus, Institute of Science & Technologyネパール学術研究機関
ナイロビ大学University of Nairobiケニア学術研究機関
ナゲナヒル財団Nagenahiru FoundationスリランカNGO
ニジェール共和国持続可能な開発のための国家環境委員会執行事務局(SE/CNEDD)National Environmental Council for Sustainable Development, Executive Secretariat, Nigerニジェール政府機関(省庁)Capitalization of experiences on Assisted Natural trees Regeneration (ANR) in Niger
ニルマニー開発財団 (NDF)Nirmanie Development Foundation (NDF)スリランカ先住民、コミュニティ団体
ネイチャー・アンド・ライブリフッドNature and LivelihoodsウガンダNGOYLand use change in Uganda’s drylands, impacts, and opportunities for enhancing livelihood sustainability / Influencing SEPLS governance policy through action research: an assessment of recreational values to promote sustainable use of the Mabira Central Forest Reserve, Uganda / Parklands, pasturelands, paddy rice fields, and coffee gardens as existing or potential agricultural socio-ecological production landscapesCreate synergy between traditional knowledge and modern science
ネイチャー・トロピカルNature TropicaleベナンNGOCommunity integrated management of migratory species (West African manatee and sea turtles) and their habitat in the coastal region in Benin
ネパール先住民族保護協会Nepal Indigenous Nationalities Preservation Association (NINPA)ネパール先住民、コミュニティ団体 Biodiversity conservation, sustainable land use practices, agroforestry, community-based conservation, ecotourism, and the challenges faced in promoting sustainable development in the Solukhumbu region of Nepal
ネパール環境保全農業研究開発協会(SECARD)Society for Environment Conservation and Agriculture Research and Development (SECARD)ネパールNGO
ネパール連邦民主共和国森林土壌保全省Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Nepalネパール政府機関(省庁)Community Forestry in NepalYImproved Community Forestry Governance and livelihoods through Participatory Action Research in Nepal(completed) / Preparation and Piloting of Local Bio-diversity Strategy and Action Plan in Three Ecological Production Landscapes of Nepal(completed) / Building sustainable and resilient village economies based on agroforestry forest fruit garden systems and ‘fair trade carbon farming’ offsets
ノードクリエイティブカンパニーNode Creative company台湾企業
ノイマルクト・ランドケア協会Landcare Association NeumarktドイツNGOProtecting by using – The regional brand "Juradistl", An integrated approach for using and conserving cultural landscapes in the Jurassic landscape of Bavaria (Germany)
バードライフ・インターナショナルBirdLife International英国NGOXNatural Resource Management in the Critical Habitat of Western Siem Pang / Waterbird conservation promotes important energy flow between rice paddies and nearby Important Bird Areas in CubaSATO YAMA UMI Project: Environmental Education and Public Awareness on Biodiversity Conservation in Asia Pacific Region
バイオバーシティ・インターナショナルBioversity InternationalイタリアNGOYSocio-ecological production landscapes in Cuchillas del Toa Biosphere Reserve / Assessing farmers’ perceptions of resilience of socio-ecological production landscapes in central and eastern Kenya / Perceptions of resilience, collective action and natural resources management in socio-ecological production landscapes in East AfricaYCommunities and Agricultural Landscapes in Cuban Man and Biosphere Reserves(completed) / Landscapes for People, Food, and Nature: Ecoagriculture Conference, Knowledge Exchange, and Action Planning(completed) / Developing a toolkit for “Indicators for resilience in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes”(completed)
バック・トゥ・ネイチャーBack to Nature ネパール企業Declaration of World Peace Biodiversity Park as an institutional to initiate SEPLS approach on Panchase Protected Forest Landscape Region / Initiation of SEPLS Approach from World Peace Biodiversity Park (WPBP), Pokhara in Panchase Region of Nepal (SITR8-3)
パナマ国立自然保全協会(ANCON)National Association for the Conservation of Nature (ANCON) パナマNGO
ハリスコ州地方自治体委員会(CAIEJ)Committee of Intermunicipal Associations of the State of Jalisco (CAIEJ)メキシコ地方自治体
バリパラ トラスト・フロンティア財団Balipara Tract and Frontier FoundationインドNGO
ハワイ州農務省Hawaii State Department of Agricultureアメリカ地方自治体
パンジャブ大学総合山岳研究センターUniversity of the Punjab, Centre for Integrated Mountain Research (CIMR)パキスタン学術研究機関XSustainable Agro and Community forestry in localities around Ayubia National Park, Western Himalayas, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK Province), Pakistan / Socio-Ecological Landscape Change as a Preamble to Mountainous Urban Watershed Rejuvenation, Kanshi of the Jhelum River Basin, Potohar Plateau, Pakistan
ビーゴ大学University of Vigoスペイン学術研究機関
ビクーニャとラクダと環境 (VICAM)VICAM: Vicuñas, Camélidos y AmbienteアルゼンチンNGOXSouth American Camelids as biocultural components in the Andean Altiplano of Argentina / SDM Project: Recovery and use of camelids and their fiber as potential resources to improve local livelihoods in a post-pandemic scenario in the Andean Altiplan
ビバモス・メホール生活改善機構Vivamos MejorグアテマラNGOSustainable forest management, conservation of biological diversity and promotion of landscapes for socio-ecologic production in indigenous territories of the Uwalcox micro-watershed in Guatemala’s Western Altiplano
ブータン王立大学自然資源学部Royal University of Bhutan, College of Natural Resourcesブータン学術研究機関 SDM Project: Exploring integration of the SEPLS approach into management of the Buli watershed
ブータン生態協会Bhutan Ecological SocietyブータンNGO
ファーマーズ・シード・ネットワークFarmers’ Seed Network中国NGOSDM Project: Strengthening partnerships and scaling up living models of SEPLS use in community-based agrobiodiversity enhancement and livelihood security to adapt to changes and crisis / Multi-Stakeholder Platform for Coastal Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Livelihood in Sanniang Bay in Guangxi, South China (SITR8-11)
フィリピン大学オープンユニバーシティ (UPOU)University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU)フィリピン学術研究機関YEmpowering Young Successors in the Management of Biodiversity and Traditional Landscapes / Re(Connecting) with the Ifugao Rice Terraces as a socio-ecological production landscape through youth capacity building and exchange programs: A conservation and sustainable development approach / SDM project: Contextualization of the Instructional Materials for the Training of Youths toward Conservation of Ifugao Rice Terraces as a Satoyama LandscapeDevelopment and sharing of multimedia learning resources for Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Satoyama
フィリピン大学ロスバニョス校 森林・天然資源カレッジ  社会林業・森林管理学科University of the Philippines Los Baňos, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, Department of Social Forestry and Forest Governanceフィリピン学術研究機関Climate Change Resiliency Through Mangrove Conservation: The Case of Alitas Farmers of Infanta, Philippines (SITR6-11)
フォーレスト・ピープルズ・プログラム(FPP)Forest Peoples Programme (FPP)英国NGOCommunity-based monitoring and information systems as an emerging toolkit to improve management of SEPLS list
ブラザー販売株式会社Brother Sales Ltd.日本企業 list
フランコフォンアフリカの友・ベナン(AMAF-BENIN)Amis de l’Afrique Francophone- Bénin (AMAF-BENIN)ベナンNGOSDM Project: Strengthening Resilience for Community Conservation of Biodiversity and wet ecosystems in Ouémé Valley
フレンズ・オブ・アース・ジャパンFriends of the Earth Japan (FoE Japan)日本NGOSatoyama Initiative from Hamamatsu
フロンテイラ・スル連邦大学(UFFS)Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS)ブラジル学術研究機関Fish farming in Rio das Cobras Indigenous Land, State of Paraná, Brazil
ベトナム国家大学ハノイ校(VNU)Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU)ベトナム学術研究機関
ペルー共和国環境省Ministry of Environment, Peruペルー政府機関(省庁)
ペルー共和国自然保護区管理局ワスカラン国立公園Huascaran National Park, National Service of Protected Natural Areas (SERNANP), Peruペルーその他政府関係機関Utilization of natural pastures in the Huascaran National Park by users and rural communities
ペルー森林野生動物局National Forest and Wildlife Service (SERFOR), Peruペルー政府機関(省庁)
ペルー竹協会(PERUBAMBU)Peruvian Association of BambooペルーNGO
ヘルムホルツ環境研究センター(UFZ)Helmholz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) ドイツ学術研究機関
ベルリン・ブランデンブルグ文理学会生態系サービス研究グループ(BBAW)Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Ecosystem Services Research Groupドイツ学術研究機関The scattered fruit tree meadows of the swabian alb
べロール工科大学Vellore Institute of Technology, Velloreインド学術研究機関
ポガ二ー・ハーヴァス協会Pogany-Havas AssociationルーマニアNGOA grassroots programme to support a traditional Eastern European community managing traditional High Nature Value landscapes in the Carpathians
ポリスプランPolisPlanオーストラリア企業A New Paradigm for Land Development: Creating Circular Economy Villages within a Distributed & Networked Global City
マダガスカル共和国 環境・生態系・森林省 Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forests, Madagascarマダガスカル政府機関(省庁)
マラウイ共和国天然資源・エネルギー・環境省Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining, Malawiマラウィ政府機関(省庁)
マラウイ国立植物標本園及び植物園National Herbarium and Botanical Gardens, Malawiマラウィその他政府関係機関
マンナ農村生活実験ハブManna Rural Living Experimental Hub台湾NGO
ミクロネシア保全基金Micronesia Conservation Trust ミクロネシア連邦NGO
モーリシャス野生動物財団Mauritian Wildlife Foundationモーリシャス共和国NGO
モロッコ生物多様性と生活協会(MBLA)Morocco Biodiversity & Livelihoods Association (MBLA)モロッコNGO
モンゴル国環境観光省Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Mongoliaモンゴル政府機関(省庁) Flying Vets Mongolia
モンテスペルトリ古代穀物協会Associazione Grani Antichi (Ancient Grains Association) MontespertoliイタリアNGOSustainable fishing practices and a unique fishermen’s community in the Orbetello Lagoon, Italy / Transformative Change Through Ecological Consumption and Production of Ancient Wheat Varieties in Tuscany, Italy (SITR6-6)
ヤリギエス国立公園 近隣農民協会 (ASOCAPAYARI)Asociación de campesinos vecinos del Parque Natural Nacional Serranía de los Yariguies (ASOCAPAYARI)コロンビアNGO
ヨルダ・イニシアティブYolda Dernegi (Yolda Initiative)トルコNGO
ライキピア野生動物フォーラムLaikipia Wildlife Forumケニア学術研究機関Improving natural resource management and biodiversity conservation in the Laikipia county ecosystem, KenyaDevelopment of Integrated Water Resource Strategy and monitoring of wetlands and river catchments of Laikipia County, Kenya(completed)
ランドケア・インターナショナルLandcare InternationalケニアNGO
リブ・アンド・ラーン環境教育(LLEE)Live & Learn Environmental EducationカンボジアNGO
リロングウェ農業自然資源大学森林学部Lilongwe University of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Department of Forestryマラウィ学術研究機関
レックスマークインターナショナル株式会社Lexmark International K.K.日本企業 list
ロイファナ大学リューネブルクLeuphana University Lueneburgドイツ学術研究機関
ワールドアグロフォーレストリーセンター(ICRAF)World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)ケニアNGOXStrengthening smallholder resilience and improving ecosystem services provision in Indonesia: Experience from Buol District, Central Sulawesi / From payment to co-investment for ecosystem services: Stewardship and livelihood improvement in the Lake Naivasha agro-production landscape, Kenya / SDM Project: Enhancing Upland Adaptation to Multidimensional Shocks and Stressors for Improving Livelihood and LandscapeLandscapes for People, Food, and Nature: Ecoagriculture Conference, Knowledge Exchange, and Action Planning(completed)
ワイルドライフ・ウォッチ・グループWildlife Watch GroupネパールNGOObservation of functioning of Kanchenjunga Conservation Area (KCA): the region’s first community owned conservation area
ワイルドライフ・コンサベーション・ソサエティ・マダガスカルWildlife Conservation Society Madagascar マダガスカルNGO
一般社団法人海外環境協力センターOverseas Environmental Cooperation Center日本NGOParticipatory, Learning and Action (PLA) Project for Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management in Lao PDR
世界自然保護基金(WWF)World Wildlife Fund (WWF) USAアメリカNGO
世界自然保護基金(WWF)西アフリカプログラム事務所World Wildlife Fund West Africa Programme Office (WWF WAMPO)セネガルNGO
中国人民大学資源および森林管理政策研究センター(CFNRPS)Renmin University of China, Centre for Resource and Forestry Policy Study (CFNRPS)中国学術研究機関YIntegrating community development with the management of grasslands and wetlands at Ke’erqin nature reserve / Transforming nomadic traditions to biodiversity-friendly livelihoods from the perspective of traditional forest-related knowledge: the successful story of H Village of Yunnan Province in China / Historical changes of co-management and biodiversity of community forests: A case study from S village of Dong minority in China, 1950-2010Create synergy between traditional knowledge and modern science
中国科学院農業政策研究センターChinese Academy of Science, Centre for Chinese Agricultural Policy中国学術研究機関XWorking with nature for a more resilient world to COVID-19: Inspirations from farmer communities in China / SDM Project: Strengthening partnerships and scaling up living models of SEPLS use in community-based agrobiodiversity enhancement and livelihood security to adapt to changes and crisis
中央大学理工学部人間総合理工学科Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Societies, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University日本学術研究機関
中央民族大学生命科学学院Minzu University of China, College of Life and Environmental Science中国学術研究機関XIdentification of potential benefits of urbanization for degraded grasslands in central Hunshandak Sandland, China / Case Study of Dong People’s Rice-Fish-Duck Symbiotic System in China
中華民国自然生態保育協会 (SWAN) Society for Wildlife and Nature (SWAN) International台湾NGOSDM Project: Converting pests as allies in tea farming - a potential case of Satoyama landscape in Hualien, Taiwan / SDM Project: Converting pests as allies in tea farming - a potential case of Satoyama landscape in Hualien, Taiwan / Transformations towards sustainability – A SEPLS restored by the Gongrong communityXFacilitating the Development of a Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) / 2018 International Symposium on Resilience of SEPL(completed) / Mainstreaming of Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) in line with Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN)
中華民國環境教育學會(CSEE)Chinese Society for Environmental Education (CSEE)台湾NGOApply Environmental Education to Foster Practices of Satoyama Initiative-Examples of Nature Centers of Forestry Bureau
中越パルプ工業株式会社Chuetsu Pulp & Paper co., Ltd日本企業
伝統技術振興財団Fundacion para la Promocion del Conocimiento Indigenaパナマ先住民、コミュニティ団体
住友林業株式会社Sumitomo Forestry co., Ltd日本企業
佐渡市Sado City日本地方自治体
先住民の知識と先住民のための基金 (IKAP)Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples Foundation (IKAP)タイ先住民、コミュニティ団体SDM Project: Supporting and Promoting the Karen Indigenous Socio-ecological Production System in Northern Thailand>Promoting and Enhancing the Karen Indigenous Sustainable Socio-ecological Production System in Northern Thailand(completed)
先住民政策提言・教育国際センター(TEBTEBBA)Tebtebba - Indigenous Peoples' International Centre for Policy Research and Educationフィリピン先住民、コミュニティ団体Role of Traditional Knowledge in Strengthening Socio-ecological Production LandscapesSecuring customary sustainable use by indigenous peoples and local communities and monitoring progress through relevant indicators
先住民生物文化・気候変動協会(IPCCA)Indigenous Peoples' Biocultural Climate Change Assessment (IPCCA)ペルー先住民、コミュニティ団体Building and Supporting Resilient Biocultural Territories in the Face of Climate Change
公益社団法人 日本環境教育フォーラムJapan Environmental Education Forum (JEEF)日本NGOSDM Project: Project for conserving Bangladesh Sundarbans SATOYAMA and developing its showcase through creating action plan and ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources by promoting mangrove restoration, traditional culture and skill of mangrove’s shrimp collectionSATO YAMA UMI Project: Environmental Education and Public Awareness on Biodiversity Conservation in Asia Pacific Region
公益財団法人「持続可能な開発戦略研究所」Institute for Sustainable Development Strategy (ISDS) Public FoundationキルギスNGOTraditional knowledge for climate resilience: Collaborative strategies to mitigate vulnerability and enhance adaptation of pastoralism to climate change / SDM Project: Securing wetland ecosystems and pastoral communities in the Kyrgyz Mountains
公益財団法人イオン環境財団AEON Environmental Foundation日本NGO list
公益財団法人国際花と緑の博覧会記念協会Commemorative Foundation for the International Garden and Greenery Exposition, Osaka, Japan, 1990日本企業To leave the satoyama culture for the future using Sakihama as an example
兵庫県Hyogo Prefectural Government日本地方自治体Reintroduction Project of the Oriental White Stork for Coexistence with Humans in Satoyama areas, Hyogo, Japan
北摂里山博物館運営協議会Hokusetsu Satoyama Museum Steering Council日本NGOHokusetsu Satoyama Leader Training Session
南アジア環境フォーラム(SAFE)South Asian Forum for Environment (SAFE)インドNGO
台湾環境倫理基金(EEFT)Environmental Ethics Foundation of Taiwan (EEFT)台湾NGOFacilitating biological and freshwater resource conservation by agricultural activities at Gongliao-Hoho-Terraced-Paddy-Fields, TaiwanFacilitating the Development of a Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) / Mainstreaming of Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) in line with Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN)
台湾生態工学開発基金Taiwan Ecological Engineering Development Foundation台湾NGOFacilitating the Development of a Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) / Mainstreaming of Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) in line with Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN)
台湾野鳥連合会Taiwan Wild Bird Federation台湾NGOA Case Study in Community Conservation: Reviving a Pheasant-tailed Jacana Population by Ensuring the Survival of the Socio-Economic Landscape in Guantian, Tainan, Taiwan / Rehabilitating local wetlands and reinvigorating local culture via Pheasant-tailed Jacana Conservation in Meinong, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
合同会社 シーラカンス食堂(MUJUN)Coelacanth Shokudou. LLC (MUJUN) 日本企業
合同会社秋田里山デザインAkita Satoyama Design LLC日本企業 Mutual learning on resilience of SEPLS through restoring rural landscape in Japan
名古屋市Nagoya City日本地方自治体
国立イフガオ大学Ifugao State Universityフィリピン学術研究機関
国立サン・シモン大学農業生態学センター(AGRUCO)University of San Simón – AGRUCOボリビア学術研究機関
国立屏東科技大学National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 台湾学術研究機関Promoting Under-Forest Economy under the concept of Satoyama Initiative: A Case Study of Wutai Township, Pingtung County, Chinese Taipei / Resilience assessment workshops and beyond: Fostering adaptive co-management in Taiwan’s SEPLS Taiwan IPSI Members Annual Exchange events – fostering an effective implementation of the 2023-2030 IPSI Plan of Action in Taiwan
国立東華大学National Dong-Hwa University台湾学術研究機関 listXFacilitating the Development of a Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) / Integrated project of enhancing ecoagriculture and sustainable development of rural Taiwan through international cooperation / Mainstreaming of Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) in line with Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN)
国立雲林科技大学National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (YunTech)台湾学術研究機関Mainstreaming of Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) in line with Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN)
国連地域開発センター(UNCRD)United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)国連その他国際機関
国連大学(UNU)United Nations University (UNU)国連その他国際機関 list list
国連教育科学文化機関(UNESCO)United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)国連その他国際機関
国連環境計画(UNEP)United Nations Environment Programme - World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)国連その他国際機関Knowledge Facilitation for the Satoyama Initiative(completed)
国連環境計画世界自然保全モニタリングセンター(UNEP-WCMC)United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)国連その他国際機関Landscapes for People, Food, and Nature: Ecoagriculture Conference, Knowledge Exchange, and Action Planning(completed)
国連開発計画(UNDP)United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)国連その他国際機関 listYCommunity Development and Knowledge Management for the Satoyama Initiative (COMDEKS) / Developing a toolkit for “Indicators for resilience in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes”(completed) / Improvement of the livelihoods of the communities through the sustainable management of productive landscapes and biodiversity conservation in mangrove, the dry forest and rainforest, Ecuador(completed)
国際バイオカルチュラル・ランドスケープ保護機関(AGER)International Agency for the Protection of Biocultural Landscapes and for a New Rurality (AGER)イタリアNGOPasserano Marmorito’s bio-cultural landscape
国際教養大学Akita International University (AIU)日本学術研究機関Global identification and mapping of socioecological production landscapes with the Satoyama Index / Traditional Regenerative Agriculture as a Sustainable Landscape Approach: Lessons from India and Thailand (SITR8-6) Mutual learning on resilience of SEPLS through restoring rural landscape in Japan
国際熱帯木材機関(ITTO)International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)国連その他国際機関Tropical forests for local people list
国際竹籐ネットワーク(INBAR)International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)国連その他国際機関Productive bamboo landscapes of Western ZhejiangThe role of woodlands and coppices in socio-ecological production landscapes ‘Embracing multifunctionality’
国際総合山岳開発センター(ICIMOD)International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)国連その他国際機関
国際自然保護連合(IUCN)International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)国連その他国際機関
地域アウトリーチ・キャンペーン事務局Bureau for Regional Outreach Campaigns (BROC)ロシアNGO
地域企業開発研究所Community Entrepreneur Development Institute (CENDI)ベトナムNGO
地域農業と環境保全協会Community Agriculture and Environmental Protection Association Cameroon (CAEPA) カメルーンNGO
地域開発ボランティア連合Union of Community Development VolunteersウガンダNGO
地球環境ファシリティー事務局(GEF SEC)Global Environment Facility (GEF) Secretariat国連その他国際機関GEF-Satoyama Project
大成建設株式会社Taisei Corporation日本企業
大韓民国環境省Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea韓国政府機関(省庁)
天然資源保全会(ONG CeSaReN)Circle for Conservation of Natural Resources NGO (ONG CeSaReN)ベナンNGOBenin’s experience in the management of sacred forests for biodiversity conservationYSustainable management and conservation of resources and traditional knowledge of sacred forests(completed) / Support for village reforestation / Rehabilitation and Sustainable Management of Sacred Forests on Ramsar Sites 1017 and 1018 in Benin
太平洋地域環境計画事務局(SPREP)Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)国連その他国際機関Enhancing knowledge of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes in Vava’u, Kingdom of Tonga
太平洋環境森林組合Corporación Ambiental y Forestal del Pacífico (CORFOPAL)コロンビアNGO list
宜蘭県Yilan County Government台湾地方自治体 Implementing the Satoyama Initiative in Shuanglianpi, Yilan: Task Division and Multi-Agency Integration
家畜・生計向上財団The Goat TrustインドNGO
富里農業組合Fuli Farmers Association 台湾NGOMainstreaming of Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) in line with Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN)
山田兄弟製紙 株式会社Yamada Keitei Co., Ltd日本企業
島嶼知識研究所(IKI)Islands Knowledge Institute (IKI)ソロモン諸島学術研究機関IWRM for Sustainable Communities
延岡市Nobeoka City日本地方自治体Conserving biodiversity by utilizing wood thinned from forests as biomass fuel for power generation (Sustainable Utilization of Biological Resources)
応用環境研究基金(AERF)Applied Environmental Research Foundation (AERF)インドNGOFairWild certification: An approach for linking biodiversity conservation with sustainable livelihoods in the northern Western Ghats, India / SDM Project: Promoting Green Entrepreneurship for conservation of Satoyama landscapes in the North Western Ghats, India
愛知県Aichi Prefectural Government日本地方自治体Working for the Living in Harmony with Nature, Aichi’s Efforts toward Ecosystem Networking
持続可能な農業と環境のための東アフリカ市民ネットワーク(CISONET)Civil Society Organizations’ Network for sustainable agriculture and Environment in East Africa (CISONET)ウガンダNGORestoration of Community Deforested Forests for Mitigation of Negative Effects of Climate Change Mpigi-Uganda
持続可能な農業を通した貧困削減のための国連センター(CAPSA)United Nations Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture (UNCAPSA)国連その他国際機関Cultural-Based Policy for Sustainable Landscape in Kasepuhan Ciptagelar
持続可能な開発のためのPgakenyaw協会 (PASD)Pgakenyaw Association for Sustainable Development (PASD)タイNGOTraditional Regenerative Agriculture as a Sustainable Landscape Approach: Lessons from India and Thailand (SITR8-6)Promoting and Enhancing the Karen Indigenous Sustainable Socio-ecological Production System in Northern Thailand(completed)
文化アイデンティティと資源利用管理 (CIRUM)Culture Identity and Resources Use Management (CIRUM)ベトナム先住民、コミュニティ団体Planting seeds for rooted change, towards community rights in flourishing forests / SDM Project: Assessment of Red Dao local knowledge on herbal bathing and forest protection
新北市政府農業局Agriculture Department, New Taipei City Government台湾政府機関(省庁)Incorporating Green Energy into Smart Agriculture to Create Regional Circular and Ecological Spheres (R-CES)
新潟大学朱鷺・自然再生学研究センターNiigata University, Centre for Toki and Ecological Restoration日本学術研究機関
日本ヒューレット・パッカード株式会社Hewlett-Packard Japan, Ltd.日本企業 list
日本国環境省Ministry of the Environment, Japan日本政府機関(省庁) listYCommunity Development and Knowledge Management for the Satoyama Initiative (COMDEKS) / Exploring Sustainable Solutions with Consideration for Ecosystem Services: Restoration and Revitalization of Satoyama/Satoumi Communities after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami(completed) / Satoyama Development Mechanism (SDM)
旭化成株式会社Asahi Kasei Corporation日本企業
木浦大学校海洋・島嶼研究所Mokpo National University, Institution for Marine and Island Cultures (MIC)韓国学術研究機関
未来ビジョン研究センター(IFI)University of Tokyo, Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI)日本学術研究機関XCompound farming system in semi-arid Ghana: a socio-ecological production landscape in decline / Safeguarding the Keta Lagoon Complex Ramsar Site (KLCRS) for Sustained Socio-ecological BenefitsYResearch project on resilient sustainable societies(completed) / Research on development and implementation of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs) toward realization of societies in harmony with nature / Research on mainstreaming integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes approaches into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
東ティモール民主共和国経済開発省国家環境事務局Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment, Directorate General for Environment, Timor Leste東ティモール
東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences日本学術研究機関Socio-ecological linkages in Japan’s Urato IslandsJapan-Asia SATOYAMA Education Initiative(completed)
東北大学大学院生命科学研究科Tohoku University, Graduate School of Life Sciences日本学術研究機関Exploring Sustainable Solutions with Consideration for Ecosystem Services: Restoration and Revitalization of Satoyama/Satoumi Communities after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami(completed)
株式会社アレフAleph Inc.日本企業
株式会社フルッタフルッタFRUTA FRUTA Inc.日本企業
株式会社フロンティアワークスFrontier Works Inc.日本企業A story about biodiversity “Cheburashka walking in the woods”
株式会社リーフLEAF Co., Ltd.日本企業
株式会社花匠前野Kasho Maeno日本企業
桃園市Taoyuan City Government台湾地方自治体
横浜国立大学Yokohama National University日本学術研究機関
法律・環境・開発・ガバナンス フォーラム(FLEDGE)Forum for Law, Environment, Development and Governance (FLEDGE)インドNGO
浙江農林大学Zhejiang A & F University中国学術研究機関
海洋生態系保護区トラスト(MEPA) Marine Ecosystems Protected Areas (MEPA) Trust アンティグア・バーブーダNGOImprovement of Human and Environmental Health Through Waste Management in Antigua and Barbuda (SITR6-12)
熊本県Kumamoto Prefectural Government日本地方自治体
熱帯科学センターTropical Science CenterコスタリカNGO
牧畜民の経済社会発展(PESA)Pastoralist Economic & Social Advancement (PESA)タンザニアNGOIndigenous Pastoralist Conservation Through Establishment of Environmentally Friendly Income Generating Activities in Tanzania
特定非営利活動法人共存の森ネットワークNetwork for Coexistence with Nature日本NGOXProduction of Video: ‘Restore the way of life in the Kirikiri area’(completed) / Publication of Oral History Textbook(completed)
特定非営利活動法人環境修復保全機構(ERECON)Institute of Environment Rehabilitation and Conservation (ERECON)日本NGOXRestoration Satoyama Landscapes in Three Regions of Cambodia: Activities and Lessons Learned / Resin trees: A vital source of the Phnong people’s livelihood in transition in CambodiaProgram on Promoting Sustainable Use of Natural Resources through Restoring and Conserving SEPL in Cambodia / Strengthening National Biodiversity and Forest Carbon Stock Conservation through Landscape-based Collaborative Management of Cambodia’s Protected Area System as Demonstrated in the Eastern Plains Landscape (CAMPAS)
狩猟動物及び野生生物保全国際評議会(CIC)International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC)ハンガリーNGO Flying Vets Mongolia
独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)日本その他政府関係機関Training for Capacity Development on Biodiversity conservation and rural development
王立自然保護協会Royal Society for Protection of NatureブータンNGOAssessment of Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services in Barshong, Bhutan / SDM Project: Exploring integration of the SEPLS approach into management of the Buli watershedSATO YAMA UMI Project: Environmental Education and Public Awareness on Biodiversity Conservation in Asia Pacific Region
琵琶湖とつながる生きもの田んぼ物語推進協議会The Council of Promoting Biodiversity in Rice Paddies Connected to Lake Biwa日本その他
環境、政策、生活のための水(HELP)ダバオネットワークHydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy (HELP) Davao NetworkフィリピンNGOA review of policy actions for more resilient land management in the upper watersheds of DavaoIWRM for Sustainable Communities
環境と農村開発財団Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF)カメルーンNGOFarmland Management Strategies by Smallholder Farmers in the Mount Bamboutos Landscape in Cameroon (SITR8-5)
環境と開発協会(JASIL)Environment and Development Association JASILモンゴルNGO
環境保全情報センターEnvironmental Protection Information Centre (EPIC)ウガンダNGOXEnhancing livelihoods of Lake Victoria fisher folk through control of the predator Nile perch in Uganda / Natural resources management by Rwoho forest edge communities, Uganda / SDM Project: Satoyama Initiative National Network Workshop for UGANDA
環境保護と持続可能な開発研究所Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Developmentロシア学術研究機関The socio-ecological production landscapes of three ethnolinguistic enclaves in the Dagestan high Caucasus. Sustaining a multi-millennial agro-pastoral continuum - the example of Verkhnee Gakvari.
環境保護保全団体 (EPCO) Environmental Protection and Conservation Organisation (EPCO)モーリシャス共和国NGORecognising the local values of coastal wetland biodiversity for sustainable economic and livelihood development at Résidences La Chaux ‘Barachois’, Mauritius / SDM Project: Enhancing socio-ecological production landscapes & seascapes at ‘Riviere du Cap’ wetlands to reduce pressure on the marine ecosystem in Mauritius
環境保護局 (EPA)Environment Protection Authority, Yemenイエメン政府機関(省庁)
環境再生事業団(GIERI)/コンゴ民主共和国ランドスケープ・ネットワークGroupe d’Intervention pour l’Encadrement et la Réhabilitation Intégrale (GIERI) / Landcare Network DRCコンゴ民主共和国NGO
生命の種財団Fundación Semillas de Vida, A.C.メキシコNGOLandrace maize diversity in milpa: a socio-ecological production landscape in Soteapan, Santa Marta Mountains, Veracruz, Mexico
生態科学熱帯研究所Tropical Institute of Ecological SciencesインドNGO
生態観察コンサルティング株式会社Observer Ecological Consultant台湾企業Conserving the giant water bug (Lethocerus indicus) by eco-friendly farmingMainstreaming of Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) in line with Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN)
生物多様性世界ユースネットワーク(GYBN)Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN)ドイツNGO
生物多様性保全推進団体 (ABC-Ghana)Advocates for Biodiversity Conservation (ABC-Ghana)ガーナNGO
生物多様性条約事務局(SCBD)Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat国連その他国際機関Contributions of Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes to the achievement of Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 in the Group of Like-Minded Megadiverse CountriesXCommunity Development and Knowledge Management for the Satoyama Initiative (COMDEKS) / Knowledge Facilitation for the Satoyama Initiative (completed) / Development of a manual on application of landscape approaches to National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
石川県Ishikawa Prefectural Government日本地方自治体
研究・統合開発協会(AIDER)Asociación para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Integral (AIDER)ペルーNGO
研究と社会開発財団(FIDES)Foundation for Research and Social Development (FIDES)エクアドルNGOXRecovery of Mouthless crab (Cardisoma crassum) Populations in Mangrove Forests of the Chone River Estuary (Ecuador) / Ensuring conservation, good governance and sustainable livelihoods through landscape management of mangrove ecosystems in Manabí, EcuadorImprovement of the livelihoods of the communities through the sustainable management of productive landscapes and biodiversity conservation in mangrove, the dry forest and rainforest, Ecuador(completed)
社会振興機関Institute for Societal AdvancementインドNGO
社会政策エコロジー研究所(SPERI)Social Policy Ecology Research Institute (SPERI)ベトナムNGOThe importance of the Farmers Field School approach: A case study - Farmers Field School practical training programs, Vietnam / SDM Project: Restoration of local valuable tree species in the Huong Son upper catchment through nursery, extension of plantings, and field documentation for ensuring sustainability of SEPLS
社団法人 台湾景観環境協会 (TLEA)Taiwan Landscape Environment Association (TLEA)台湾NGOLinking biodiversity conservation, green production and local mutual trust in a SEPL(S)/ Cooperative of Farmers’ Association with Communities for Ecological and Organic Scale Production of Rice Industry / The interaction between human beings and grassland ecosystems: conservation and environmental education of rural grassland landscapes
福井県Fukui Prefectural Government日本地方自治体Poster Awards: IPSI-4 Poster Session(completed)
統合有機農法研究センター(IORC)Integrated Organic Farming Systems Research Centre (IORC)インドネシア学術研究機関Diversifying forage composition to provide options for farmers to improve milk production and quality and livelihood
能美の里山ファン倶楽部Nomi Satoyama Conservation Society日本NGOFacilitating stakeholders and community involvement in a Satoyama landscape
自然及び持続可能な開発協会(ANDES)Association for Nature and Sustainable Development (ANDES)ペルー先住民、コミュニティ団体SDM Project: Hosting the Satoyama Initiative Steering Committee Meeting and Global Conference in 2015XCommunities and Agricultural Landscapes in Cuban Man and Biosphere Reserves(completed) / Securing customary sustainable use by indigenous peoples and local communities and monitoring progress through relevant indicators
自然環境保全地域環境教育センターEnvironmental Education Centre ZapovedniksロシアNGOSDM Project: Cultural landscapes as vectors for local sustainable development / SDM Project: Cultural landscapes as vectors for local sustainable development
苗栗県サイシャット(賽夏)族原住民林業労働合作社Miaoli County Saisiyat Indigenous People Forestry and Worker Limited Liability Cooperative台湾NGOFrom foe to friend: forest co-management scheme of forests by tribe and governmentImplement the Satoyama Initiative to promote sustainable development within the Saisiyat tribe community
若狭町Wakasa Town日本地方自治体Outline of Wakasa Town’s (Fukui Prefecture) Activities Relating to Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes (SEPLS)
農業部林業自然保護署Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA)台湾その他政府関係機関 listPublication of a box set of four picture books on SEPLS / Taiwan IPSI Members Annual Exchange events – fostering an effective implementation of the 2023-2030 IPSI Plan of Action in Taiwan / Implement the Satoyama Initiative to promote sustainable development within the Saisiyat tribe community
行政院農業委員会水土保持局(SWCB)Soil and Water Conservation Bureau (SWCB), Executive Yuan台湾その他政府関係機関 list2018 International Symposium on Resilience of SEPL(completed) / Mainstreaming of Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) in line with Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN)
行政院農業委員会水産試験所Fisheries Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan台湾その他政府関係機関Satoumi areas and networks in Taiwan: the integrity and connection among forests, rivers, human settlement and seas> / Engaging Local People in Conserving the Socio-Ecological Production Landscape and Seascape by Practicing Collaborative Governance in Mao’ao Bay, Chinese Taipei (SITR8-10)
行政院農業委員会花蓮区農業改良場Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station of the Council of Agriculture台湾地方自治体 listIntegrated project of enhancing ecoagriculture and sustainable development of rural Taiwan through international cooperation / Mainstreaming of Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) in line with Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN)
認定NPO法人ボルネオ保全トラスト・ジャパンBorneo Conservation Trust Japan 日本NGO
認定特定非営利活動法人日本ハビタット協会Japan Habitat Association日本NGO
豊岡市Toyooka City日本地方自治体Community Development to Live in Harmony with the Oriental White Stork in Toyooka city, Hyogo, Japan
財団法人 国際合作発展基金会(ICDF)International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF)台湾NGOMainstreaming of Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) in line with Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN)
財団法人国際湖沼環境委員会(ILEC)International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (ILEC)日本NGO list
財団法人地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES)Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)日本学術研究機関 list
財団法人慈心有機農業発展基金会Tse-Xin Organic Agriculture Foundation台湾NGOGreen Conservation Program: A System for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture in TaiwanMainstreaming of Taiwan Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (TPSI) in line with Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN)
越前市Echizen City日本地方自治体
農村開発促進組織 (ARDO)Accelerated Rural Development Organisation (ARDO)ガーナNGOSDM Project: Biodiversity Conservation, Sustainable management of Resources and Traditional Knowledge of Sacred Forest / SDM Project: Transforming Rice Production along the Weto Range towards Sustainable Socio-Ecological Services / Initiation of SEPLS Approach from World Peace Biodiversity Park (WPBP), Pokhara in Panchase Region of Nepal (SITR8-3)Livelihood Enhancement and Institution Building for Natural Resource Management on the Weto Landscape
農業生物多様性と食の主権のための先住民パートナーシップ(TIP)Indigenous Partnership for Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty (TIP)イタリア先住民、コミュニティ団体
農業研究財団(ARF) Agrarian Research Foundation (ARF)バングラデシュ学術研究機関
遼寧省遼河保護区開発推進センターLiao Ning Province Development & Promotion Center of Liaohe River Reserve中国地方自治体
遼寧省遼河管理局Liao Ning Province Authority of Liaohe River中国地方自治体
金沢大学Kanazawa University日本学術研究機関Mainstreaming satoyama in research, education and regional collaboration towards the revitalization of Noto PeninsulaDevelopment and sharing of multimedia learning resources for Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Satoyama
開発のための教育・環境促進財団(FEED)Fostering Education & Environment for Development, Inc. (FEED)フィリピンNGO
開発大学(UDS) 再生可能自然資源学部University of Development Studies (UDS), Faculty of Renewable Natural Resourcesガーナ学術研究機関
雲を耕す会Cultivate a Cloud NPO日本NGOSatoyama Initiative from Hamamatsu
雲南大学中国西南国境地方少数民族研究センター(SEGCSWB)Yunnan University, National Research Centre for the Studies of the Ethnic Groups of China’s South-Western Borderlands (SEGCSWB)中国学術研究機関Production of Video: ‘SEPLs management practice in Danuohei village, China’(completed)
香港大学社会科学部サステイナビリティ政策研究室University of Hong Kong, Policy for Sustainability Lab of the Faculty of Social Sciences中国学術研究機関Living Water & Community Revitalization - An Agricultural-led Action, Engagement and Incubation Programme at Lai Chi Wo (Sustainable Lai Chi Wo Programme)
女性、開発、未来公共組合 Woman, Development, Future Public UnionアゼルバイジャンNGO
自然生態観察コンサルタント (WNECC) Watch Nature Ecological Consultant Co., Ltd (WNECC) 台湾企業
法鼓文理学院Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts台湾学術研究機関Taiwan IPSI Members Annual Exchange events – fostering an effective implementation of the 2023-2030 IPSI Plan of Action in Taiwan
シードコリウスグリーンハウスSeed Coleus Greenhouse台湾学術研究機関
尾鷲市Owase City日本地方自治体
トラムタウ保全森林管理委員会Tram Tau Protection Forest Management Boardベトナム地方自治体
研究と持続可能な開発財団(FUNINDES)Foundation for Research and Sustainable Development (FUNINDES)コロンビアNGOCommunity participatory monitoring for the management of non-native fish species in the Atrato River, biogeographic Chocó, Colombia
資源保全イニシアティブ(RESCONI)Resource Conservation Initiative (RESCONI)ガーナNGOPromotion of Community Resilience and Rights in Competing Landuse: Case Study of Atwima Mponua and Asutifi North Districts in Ghana
ベナン環境と教育協会Benin Environment and Education SocietyベナンNGO