The United Nations University (UNU)

Case studies
The Ayllu System of the Potato Park, Cusco, Peru
Land Use and Natural Resource Utilization and Management in Kampong Cham, Cambodia
Forest management through community-based forest enterprises in Ixtlan de Juarez, Oaxaca, Mexico
Small Scale Catchment Management in Malawi
Home garden agroforestry practices in the Gedeo zone, Ethiopia: a sustainable land management system for socio-ecological benefits
Kyrgyz Republic: Transhumance in the Northern Mountainous Areas
China: Rural Communities in Cohabitation with the Crested Ibis in Yang County, Shaanxi Province
Japan: Satoyama focusing on rice cultivation in Noto and Kaga Regions
Mongolia: Nomadic Pastoralism in the Mongolian Plateau
South Korea: Traditional Rural Landscape “Maeul”
India: Sacred Forests
India: Homegardens in South India and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Iran: Agriculture Using Underground Irrigation Canals in Inland Dry and Semi-dry Zones
Nepal: Agro-Pastoralism by Sherpa Communities in the North-Eastern Mountains
Sri Lanka: Tank Irrigation Farming in Dry Zones
Cambodia: Paddy rice cultivation and freshwater fishing industry in the Mekong and Tonle Sap Rivers
Indonesia: Rice Terrace Landscapes and Irrigation Associations (Subak) in Bali Island
Myanmar: Mangrove Forests in the Ayeyarwady Delta
Vietnam: Use of Natural Resources in the Central Mountainous District
Iraq: Traditional Agriculture by Marsh Arabs in the Southern Marshes
Oman: Use and Management of Frankincense Trees in the Dhofar Region
Saudi Arabia: Grazing and Oasis Agriculture along the Northern Coastal Region of the Red Sea
Syria: Olive Cultivation on Hilly Land in the Northwestern Part of the Country and along its Mediterranean Coast

Collaborative Activities
Communities and Agricultural Landscapes in Cuban Man and Biosphere Reserves(completed)
Landscapes for People, Food, and Nature: Ecoagriculture Conference, Knowledge Exchange, and Action Planning(completed)
Japan-Asia SATOYAMA Education Initiative(completed)
Program on Promoting Sustainable Use of Natural Resources through Restoring and Conserving SEPL in Cambodia
Production of Video: ‘Restore the way of life in the Kirikiri area’(completed)
Publication of Oral History Textbook(completed)
Community Development and Knowledge Management for the Satoyama Initiative (COMDEKS)
Knowledge Facilitation for the Satoyama Initiative(completed)
Exploring options to integrate the Satoyama Initiative within policies and decision making process(completed)
Production of Video: ‘SEPLs management practice in Danuohei village, China’(completed)
Exploring Sustainable Solutions with Consideration for Ecosystem Services: Restoration and Revitalization of Satoyama/Satoumi Communities after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami(completed)
Research project on resilient sustainable societies(completed)
Poster Awards: IPSI-4 Poster Session(completed)
Satoyama Development Mechanism (SDM)
Developing a toolkit for “Indicators for resilience in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes”(completed)
GEF-Satoyama Project
Production of publication series “Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review”
Research on development and implementation of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs) toward realization of societies in harmony with nature
Research on mainstreaming integrated approaches in production landscapes and seascapes approaches into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
New Futures for Satoyama - innovation in policy and practice to sustain cultural landscapes
Development of a manual on application of landscape approaches to National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
Making OECMs Work: Landscape Approaches for Effective Area-Based Conservation
COMDEKS Phase 4: The Community Development and Knowledge Management for the Satoyama Initiative Programme