The International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI), comprises 314 member organisations committed to support socio-economic production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS) for the benefit of biodiversity and human well-being through the implementation of their respective activities.
New applications for membership need to be approved at a meeting of the IPSI Steering Committee, held once every several months. If your organisation is interested in becoming a partner, please contact the IPSI Secretariat for application forms and information. Some general guidelines are as follows:
1. Applications should be English and duly signed by the head of organisation.
2. Organisations, excluding governmental bodies and United Nations agencies, are requested to attach a document that describes the foundation of the organisation, such as the organization’s charter or by-laws, when submitting the application form.
3. Members of IPSI are expected to submit at least one case study report on one or more socio-ecological production landscape(s) or seascape(s) within 6 months of the successful acceptance of their application to IPSI. Please refer to the case study guidelines for more information.
Further information and documentation, including IPSI’s Charter and Operational Guidelines, Case Study Guidelines, and Plan of Action, can be found on our Resources page. Please contact the IPSI Secretariat should you need further clarification.