Update on the IPSI Plan of Action Interim Review
As many readers are aware, the IPSI Secretariat, in close consultation with the IPSI Steering Committee and with support and inputs from the IPSI membership, has been carrying out an interim review of the IPSI Plan of Action 2013-2018 as required in the document. After carrying out a questionnaire survey and discussions at IPSI-6 and other venues, an initial draft report was submitted to the Steering Committee at their eleventh meeting in Hyogo, Japan in November 2016, and after a final round of comments and inputs, a final draft is expected to be ready in early 2017.
Some major points suggested for IPSI's future direction in the draft report are as follows:
• It is time for IPSI to move from an “establishment and growth” phase to an “implementation and consolidation” phase
• The science side of the SEPLS concept should be further bolstered, particularly in terms of integrating traditional knowledge and modern science
• Knowledge products should be pursued to demonstrate the advantage of SEPLS-based approaches within and beyond IPSI
• Efforts should continue to be made toward on-the-ground contributions in as broad a range of SEPLS as possible
• IPSI's strategic development should progress in line with evolving global agendas, including the SDGs, CBD processes and others
• Reliable, diverse, long-term funding must be secured for IPSI to continue our successes
We hope all IPSI members will take time to read the final report when it is finished and made available on the IPSI website. We look forward to working together with all of you to continue to make IPSI the most effective partnership possible.