
New Publication: Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review Vol. 4


A new volume of the Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review (vol. 4) with the theme: “Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes and its Contribution to Effective Area-based Conservation” was recently published jointly by UNU-IAS and IGES. The volume compiles 9 selected case studies provided by authors belonging to IPSI member organizations and covers experiences from countries all over the world, with various socio-political and ecosystem contexts. Authors were asked to identify how to ensure sustainable management and use of biodiversity in SEPLS and their contribution to effective area-based conservation, and how effective area-based conservation contributes to the goals of the global conservation agenda. In addition, the volume includes a synthesis chapter that summarizes the findings of the case studies and provides overarching principles for policy makers and practitioners working on the ground.

The publication will provide useful knowledge and lessons for a broad audience including policymakers, practitioners and academics working on issues related to SEPLS and interested in their wide-scale application and policy incorporation.

The electronic version is available for download here or by clicking the image below.

SITR 4 cover