
Invitation for IPBES External Review of First Order Draft Assessments


The IPSI Secretariat has received an announcement for expert reviewers under the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), and we would like to share this with any readers interested in taking part in the process.

As part of the process in the development of IPBES assessment reports, the external First Order Draft review by experts of the IPBES thematic assessment on land degradation and restoration (Deliverable 3bi) and of the four regional assessments (Africa, Asia Pacific, Americas, and Europe and Central Asia) on biodiversity and ecosystem services (Deliverable 2b) will run for six weeks from 30 May 2016 until 11 July 2016. These assessments, each focusing on a theme or region, cover the status and trends of biodiversity and ecosystem services, benefits provided to humans and societies, direct and indirect drivers of change, future scenarios and modeling, governance options, institutional arrangements and decision-making.

The IPBES Secretariat invites all expert reviewers with relevant knowledge and/or experience to register to review one or more chapters of one or more assessments. Since many IPSI members are experts in IPBES-related issues and processes in countries all over the world, we highly recommend that members consider getting involved and helping to review the assessments based on their expertise and from the perspective of SEPLS.

Please see the full announcement on the IPBES website here. Interested reviewers can registerhere.