Fourteen New Members and Five IPSI Collaborative Activities Endorsed
We are pleased to announce the IPSI Steering Committee recently endorsed fourteen new member organizations. Bringing IPSI’s total membership to 328 organizations! Meet the new members:
Academic, Educational and/or Research Institute
- Departamento de Ciências Ambientais da Universidade Federal de São Paulo – Brazil
- Global Studies Institute (GSI), University of Oregon – United Sates of America
- Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA) – India
- Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) – Ecuador
Indigenous or Local Organization
Industry or Private Sector Organization
National or Local Governmental Organization
- Pingtung County Government – Chinese Taipei
Non-Governmental or Civil Society Organizations
- Agroecology and Sustainability Training Center (Centro de Formación en Agroecología y Sustentabilidad AC) – Mexico
- Grup Balear D’ornitologia I De Fensa De La Naturalesa – Spain
- Integrated Development Organization (IDO) – India
- Public Association Kolsai – Kazakhstan
- Miaoli County Mingde Community Beekeeping Revitalization Center Association – Chinese Taipei
- People Resources and Conservation Foundation (PRFC) – United States of America
We look forward to collaborating closely with all of them to promote the Satoyama Initiative concept in the future.
Moreover, the Steering Committee approved five new IPSI Collaborative Activities, bringing the total number of activities to 68. The new activities are:
- COMDEKS Phase 4: The Community Development and Knowledge Management for the Satoyama Initiative Programme
Collaborating organizations: UNDP; Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ); Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD); UNU-IAS; Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund (KNCF); and Keidanren Nature Conservation Council (KNCC).
- Back To Nature Agroforestry Lab
Collaborating organizations: Back to Nature; Kathmandu Forestry College (KAFCOL); Forest Research and Training Center (FRTC); and the Government of Nepal.
- 2025 IPSI and ARDSWC Collaborative Activities
Collaborating organizations: Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation (ARDSWC); Taiwan Landscape Environment Association (TLEA); and the National Chung Hsing University (NCHU).
- Strengthening the Restoration and Sustainable Management of Sacred Forests in RAMSAR Sites 1017 and 1018 in Benin
Collaborating organizations: Cercle Pour La Sauvegarde Des Ressources Naturelles (CE.SA.RE.N – ONG); Amis de l’Afrique Francophone- Bénin (AMAF-BENIN); and Nature Tropicale
- Satoyama Mace Initiative: Regional Revitalization of SEPLS in Carbon Credit
SEPLS Carbon Credit Regional Revitalization Center (Seed Coleus Greenhouse); Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation; Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica (RCAS); National Cheng Kung University; National Taiwan University; Tainan New Agricultural Biotechnology Production Cooperative
IPSI members are encouraged to propose activities carried out cooperatively by multiple organisations, including at least two IPSI members, as IPSI Collaborative Activities. If any IPSI members would like to propose a new Collaborative Activity, please contact the IPSI Secretariat for the Proposal Form.