The IPSI Secretariat is pleased to give advance notice that we will soon be announcing a Call for Papers for a pilot edition of a compilation of high quality case studies submitted by IPSI members, with the theme of “Enhancing knowledge for better management of SEPLS”.
In order to further bolster IPSI’s function in consolidating and extracting knowledge on SEPLS to share with wider audiences, the IPSI Secretariat is planning to publish a compilation of high quality case studies providing useful knowledge and lessons focusing on a specific theme. In addition to the case studies themselves, the publication will include a synthesis paper, extracting and bringing together key points and lessons to be fed into relevant academic and policy discussions.
Authors from IPSI member organizations who have case studies relevant to the theme are highly encouraged to submit them after the official Call for Papers is announced.
The theme and its scope:
The theme “Enhancing knowledge for better management of SEPLS” covers topics regarding ways to identify, collect, document, maintain, exchange, refine, augment and make use of information and knowledge for better management of SEPLS. The focus in particular is on tools and approaches used by and with local communities and other stakeholders to deepen understanding of SEPLS and their management. This may include synergizing traditional knowledge and modern sciences. Detailed explanations of how tools or approaches have been applied on the ground, including both their advantages and challenges, and how such processes promote real action will be especially welcome.
The following are some possible examples of tools and approaches: documentation of traditional knowledge; application of indicators; participatory mapping; community-based monitoring; farmer-to-farmer learning; inter-generational learning and mutual learning between scientists and traditional knowledge holders.
How to submit a paper and what happens after submission:
IPSI Secretariat will send a formal Call for Papers in mid-January 2015. Detailed guidelines for submission are under development, but it is expected that papers will be 3000 – 4000 words. Case studies that have already been submitted to the IPSI Secretariat will be accepted as long as the paper follows the guidelines. The submission date for papers will be around the end of March. Selected authors will be invited to the Case Study Workshop which is planned to be held in Japan in mid-to-late May. This Case Study Workshop will offer an opportunity for peer review and development of the synthesis paper by participants.
Expected timeline:
January 2015 | Call for Papers |
March 2015 | Submission of papers |
May 2015 |
Selected authors participate in Case Study Workshop |
June-July 2015 | Revision of papers |
December 2015 | Publication |
We hope that many IPSI members will be interested in this publication and its theme, so we ask you to please start thinking about whether your activities may be relevant.