With the results of the project, we manage to strengthen and improve the management of lands, forests, agricultural biodiversity and their ecosystems for the conservation and protection of these natural resources and ensure the recovery of indigenous knowledge and seeds to improve the diet of the population of Usdub,
Emphasis was placed on the participation of young and women of indigenous people, the Gunas, in the community in the production and recovery of endangered native seeds and the recovery of indigenous knowledge in ecosystem management and local biodiversity.
It prioritized the agricultural biodiversity that has been used in spiritual practices, ceremonies, cultural and food; especially maize which is a crop that has different uses, and bananas.
The results of the project contribute to achieving Aichi’s goals of biodiversity convention and millennium goals, as well as strategy and goals of IPSI.
The Foundation for the Promotion of Indigenous Knowledge is committed to continuing to support the Usdub community on biodiversity conservation and its ecosystems, as well as continuing to work on indigenous knowledge associated with biodiversity conservation.
We look forward to continuing work with the support of SDM and other solidarity organizations.