
Call for Papers: “Enhancing knowledge for better management of SEPLS”


The IPSI Secretariat is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the pilot edition of a planned compilation series of case studies submitted by IPSI members. The theme of the pilot edition will be “Enhancing knowledge for better management of SEPLS”.

Faced with various challenges related to the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable human-influenced environments, solutions relying on the benefits derived from socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS) require first that knowledge on their revitalization and sustainable management be extracted, consolidated and shared with wider audiences. Areas where SEPLS-related knowledge is particularly important include: species used as food and medicine; species used in ceremonies, language and narrative; land- and resource-use practices (e.g., use of fire, succession management, selective harvesting); product processing and preserving; product distribution and marketing; social institutions (e.g., rules and norms that govern natural resource use and management practices); land use and tenure (e.g., harvest areas, protected areas); biophysical attributes of the landscape (e.g., landform, species assemblage, soil fertility); historical events (e.g., natural disasters); and cultural practices and worldviews. Landscape and seascape management can be made more effective through innovation in any of these knowledge areas.

The IPSI Secretariat plans to publish a compilation of high-quality case studies providing useful knowledge and lessons focusing on a specific theme related to SEPLS. The compilation will also include a synthesis paper in order to contribute to policy and academic discussion, as well as to help make lessons learned practical in the field.

Authors from IPSI member organizations who have case studies relevant to the theme are highly encouraged to submit a manuscript by 10 March 2015.

The theme and its scope:

The theme “Enhancing knowledge for better management of SEPLS” covers topics regarding ways to identify, collect, document, maintain, exchange, refine, augment and make use of information and knowledge for better management of SEPLS. The focus in particular is on tools and approaches used by and with local communities and other stakeholders to deepen understanding of SEPLS and their management. This may include integration of traditional knowledge and modern sciences. Detailed explanations of how tools or approaches have been applied on the ground, including both their advantages and challenges, and how such processes promote real action, will be especially welcome.

The following are some possible examples of tools and approaches: documentation of traditional knowledge; application of indicators; participatory mapping; community-based monitoring; community-to-community learning; inter-generational learning and mutual learning between scientists and traditional knowledge holders; and focus-group discussion.

How to submit a paper and what happens after submission:

Submit a manuscript to the IPSI Secretariat (please direct submissions to: Ms. Ayako Kawai and Dr. Kaoru Ichikawa) by email (isi@unu.edu) by 10 March 2015. Please refer to the ‘Author’s Guide’ and other related documents indicated in the guide. Case studies that have already been submitted to the IPSI Secretariat can be submitted after editing as needed to conform to the Author’s Guide. After an initial review, selected authors will be invited to a Case Study Workshop planned to be held in Japan in late June 2015. This Case Study Workshop will offer an opportunity for peer review and discussion by participants for development of the synthesis paper.

Expected timeline

January 2015:  Call for Papers

10 March 2015:  Submission of papers

(updated2) 24-26 June 2015:  Selected authors participate in Case Study Workshop (Japan)

July-August 2015:  Revision of papers

December 2015:  Publication

Related documents

Author’s guide : see here

Front page: see here

Reference guide:  see here

For inquiries, please contact Ms. Ayako Kawai or Dr. Kaoru Ichikawa at the IPSI Secretariat (isi@unu.edu).