
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management in Priority Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes “GEF-Satoyama Project” CALL FOR PROPOSALS Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot


“GEF-Satoyama Project” is a shorthand name for the formal project name, “Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management in Priority Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes.” It aims to achieve societies in harmony with nature, with sustainable primary production sector based on traditional and modern wisdom, and making significant contributions to global targets for conservation of biological diversity.

In the GEF-Satoyama Project, three main components were developed that emphasize: a) field-level demonstration of sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystems services in production landscapes and seascapes through subgrants; b) knowledge generation and management for SEPLS and developing analytical and training content for a range of stakeholders; and c) capacity building and inter-sectoral collaboration for ensuring social and ecological values in priority SEPLS. These components are inter-related sets of activities that inform each other. This Call invites proposals for subgrant projects, which will be considered for funding support under a) above. Projects from the region shown in the map below will be considered.

indoburma region GEF

The GEF-Satoyama Project is seeking subgrant projects that enhance livelihood, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services, which take into account the protection and use of traditional knowledge in conservation measures, as well as the equity among various population groups in the project sites including indigenous peoples, women and other vulnerable groups. Site-based projects in production landscapes and seascapes should focus on mainstreaming conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services resulting in improved human wellbeing, through:

– Conserving, maintaining or revitalizing traditional sustainable practices, globally threatened species and/or sites of global significance for biodiversity conservation;

– Restoring degraded production landscapes and/or seascapes in a sustainable manner; and/or

– Implementing livelihood alternatives, e.g. sustainable agricultural, fisheries, or forestry production techniques for the sustainable use of terrestrial, freshwater or marine systems (or a combination of these)

To apply, please read the call for proposals carefully, complete the application form and submit it by email to GEF-Satoyama@conservation.or.jp no later than the end of November 18, 2015.

Application Materials
Call for Proposals *pdf
Application Form *word


Project Document of the GEF Satoyama Project *pdf describes the GEF-Satoyama Project entirely.

Environmental-and-Social-Management-Framework-(ESMF) *pdf describes the safeguards framework governing the GEF-Satoyama Project. Once selected, subgrant projects will be required to be compliant with the ESMF through the safeguard analysis process.

Grievance Mechanism* pdf, an excerpt from the Project Document. Selected subgrant projects will have to install a grievance mechanism as described in this document.