Lead organization: Conservation Alliance International
Participating organizations (IPSI members): A Rocha Ghana; Ghana National Biodiversity Committee
Other participating organizations (non-IPSI members): Biodiversity Heritage Associates Africa
Ghana has a decentralized governance system. The district assemblies are responsible for local governance activities. The Kakum Conservation Area (KCA) falls under the jurisdiction of the Upper and Lower Denkyira districts in the central region of Ghana. These districts implement or enforce central government laws and bye-laws to ensure the sustainability of the KCA and other relevant natural resources. This is aimed at addressing the threats that affects the continual existence of the KCA. One major weakness identified among personnel of the districts is the lack of understanding and knowledge on laws, and also best practices governing natural resource management. Additionally, the sustainable use of natural resources has not been a topical issue of discussion due to the limited attention and relevance it is awarded. This has led to limited interest, and sometimes a weak regime of management that leads to unsustainable use of natural resources within the area. Though there have been series of activities at the communities’ level aimed at conserving natural resources, there has been limited attention to socio-political custodians of these natural resources. The project is developed on the premise that, ensuring sustainable management of resources within and outside the KCA, requires active involvement of the policy makers.
The project will be implement the following objectives
Assess knowledge levels of district officials in natural resource governance; this objective seeks to assess the level of understanding of the policy makers within the districts. Based on this assessment, a capacity building program in addition to the knowledge transfer on IPSI will be developed.
Build capacities of relevant district officials on IPSI strategies and plan of action; this objective will be the avenue to strengthen capacities of district assembly officials and other relevant actors on laws, programs, practices and policies essential for natural resource management within the KCA. Workshops and field visits will constitute the main modes of the capacity building.
Enhance publicity of IPSI among relevant actors including community based organizations; the project will also institute measures that will lead to increased awareness of the IPSI program. These will include project publications, project bill board and souvenirs that will acknowledge IPSI support
Expected Outcomes
Improved capacities for policy makers on natural resources conservation; the district officials are the decision makers for development within the KCA and environs. Hence improved understanding and skills in biodiversity conservation and natural management issues will enhance effective implementation of conservation practices and efforts within the KCA and fringing communities.
Increased awareness and adoption of the IPSI strategy and actions plan- this will be inculcated in district development plans for implementation, and thus IPSI will contribute to the larger context of natural resources conservation in KCA
Actors and Tasks sharing
Conservation Alliance (CA)- CA will be responsible for managing project, stakeholder consultations and relations. CA will support in the capacity building activities.
A Rocha Ghana (AG)- AG will be responsible for developing training/capacity building program
National Biodiversity Committee (NBC), will liaise with government agencies to incorporate biodiversity into programs
Biodiversity Heritage Associates Africa (BHA)- BHA will conduct the knowledge assessment and lead in capacity building activities.
The project team will be utilizing internally generated funds for the implementation of the project. Additionally, the project team will leverage on its ongoing activities within the project landscape. This will reduce project cost while, ensuring maximum impact at a lower cost.
How the activity relates to the IPSI Strategy and IPSI Plan of Action
A major limiting factor to successful conservation and natural resources management plans in Ghana is adequate understanding, and knowledge, of the subject matter among policy makers. If policy makers understood and considered it very relevant, it will be manifest in key policy and development actions. The project seeks to address the threats and drivers of biodiversity loss starting with policy makers at the local level. These tie in with the IPSI strategy which seeks to (among others) that seeks to address drivers of biodiversity loss and cultural diversity, enhance benefits from socio-ecological landscapes, and also enhance knowledge of social-ecological landscapes. The project seeks to expose local policy makers (particularly those at the districts) to biodiversity conservation practices, enhance their knowledge on biodiversity loss drivers.
Monitoring and Reporting
Our monitoring will be preceded by the development of a monitoring protocol which will focus on key indicators that will determine the success or otherwise of the project. The monitoring team will involve both the project team and the district assemblies’ representatives.
The team will provide reports after every six months after implementation. This will provide updates to stakeholders on progress, outputs and challenges with corrected measures.