• ミーティングとイベント

    IPSIメンバー間の協力とシナジーを強化するための重要なメカニズムの一つが、「IPSI協力活動」です。 IPSI協力活動は、2団体以上のIPSIメンバーが協力して実施し、IPSI運営委員会がその活動提案書を承認して認定されます。IPSI協力活動は、さまざまなテーマや現場での取組を対象とし、多様なメンバーの活動の強化とSATOYAMAイニシアティブの推進に貢献しています。

  • IPSI協力活動

    One important mechanism for strengthening collaboration and synergies among member organizations under IPSI has been its mechanism for the formation and endorsement of Collaborative Activities. These activities involve the participation of two or more member organizations and are subject to endorsement by the IPSI Steering Committee. IPSI Collaborative Activities cover a wide variety of topics and on-the-ground efforts. Click or tap here for more information on IPSI collaborative activities.


  • Satoyama Development Mechanism

  • Indicators of Resilience

  • Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review

  • The COMDEKS Programme

  • NBSAP Research

  • The GEF-Satoyama Project

  • ケーススタディ

    As one of its core functions, IPSI serves as a knowledge-sharing platform through the collection and sharing of information and experiences, and provides a place for discussion among members and beyond. IPSI case studies, including examples of successful implementation of SEPLS, knowledge and other relevant information, help to enhance understanding and raise awareness of the effectiveness of landscape approaches. Click or tap here for more information on IPSI case studies.

  • メンバーの活動

    As a partnership, IPSI is made up of its members, and all members’ activities contribute to biodiversity conservation and human well-being informed by a landscape or seascape approach. IPSI is committed to amplifying and disseminating our members’ activities through its role in networking, towards the vision of “societies in harmony with nature”. Click or tap here for a list of IPSI members, with links to their websites and activities.